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- Oregon Arbor Month
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- …
- Conference
- Oregon Arbor Month
- Tree City USA
- Grants
- Past Recipients
- News and Resources
- Conference
- Oregon Arbor Month
- Tree City USA
- Grants
- Past Recipients
- News and Resources
- …
- Conference
- Oregon Arbor Month
- Tree City USA
- Grants
- Past Recipients
- News and Resources
2022 Oregon Arbor Month Booster Grants
Saturday April 30th, 2022 The City of Reivergrove celebrated their 5th Arbor Month.
With thanks to Oregon Community Trees
for the splendid grant to help Rivergrove’s
urban forest. The funds were used to provide
trees for our arbor day celebration, a long
hose to water them and a supply of treewatering
bags that will help our dedicated
crew of tree waterers.
Saturday May 7th, 2022 The City of Medford
Celebrated their 26th Arbor Month
10 a.m. ‐‐ Fitchner‐Mainwaring Park
Bagpiping by Michaela Brynn
Introductions by City Arborist Richard Weed
Invocation by John Mainwaring
Opening by Mayor Randy Sparacino
Remarks by Mainwaring Family
Krista Puttman (daughter of Ken)
John Mainwaring (son)
Carol Bennett (sister)
Public Remarks
Saturday April 23rd, 2022 The City of Toledo
Friday April 29th, 2022 The City of Hillsboro
Celebrated their 4th Arbor Month
The Parks & Recreation Department’s Special Events Team Division partnered
with the Hillsboro School District to provide an Arbor Day event at Orenco Woods Nature Park.
This event featured a free-flowing format; each grade level had one hour to engage with as
many activities as they found interesting alongside their teacher and chaperones.
The Orenco Elementary School attended the event with 465 students on-site, ranging from K-6 grade levels. This was the first field trip these
students have had in the past three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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