• Early bird tickets are on sale now for the 2025 Oregon Urban and Community Forestry Conference! See the latest Press Release.

  • Oregon Community Trees

    501c3 Oregon public benefit, non-member, not for profit corporation

    The mission of Oregon Community Trees is to promote healthy urban and community forests through leadership, education, awareness, and advocacy.



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    Bob Ross Happy Little Trees (Virtual) 5K

    Inspired by American painter and PBS television personality Bob Ross’ love of the outdoors, Oregon Parks Forever has joined a virtual 5K race started five years ago to help plant trees in parks & forests.

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    Urban Forestry Awards & Grants

    Since 1994, Oregon Community Trees and the Oregon Department of Forestry have recognized individuals, communities, and organizations in the state who demonstrate outstanding accomplishments and leadership in urban and community forestry. The annual Oregon Urban & Community Forestry Awards Program celebrates Oregonians who understand that healthy urban and community forests foster thriving communities.

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    News and Education

    See all the latest news, current events, and educational oppertunities happening accross Oregon

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    Urban Forestry Resources

    Welcome to our data bank of free resources to help guide you in all things Urban Forestry

  • “Oregon Community Trees is dedicated to improving the lives of every Oregonian by engaging and supporting all Oregon communities in their efforts to improve urban and community forestry.”

    — Scott Altenhoff, Oregon Department of Forestry Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager